
Washington State Kelp Growers


Maritime Blue is administering an 18-month planning grant to investigate and design collaborative structures that will support Washington’s emerging seaweed industry. Working with established growers, we aim to determine optimal approaches for market development, shared infrastructure, and industry growth.

The State of Washington Seaweed Farming

Seaweed farming represents a sustainable form of mariculture with significant environmental benefits and economic potential. Along with minimal resource requirements, by absorbing excess nutrients and carbon dioxide, seaweed farms contribute to healthier marine ecosystems. Washington’s emerging seaweed industry has the potential to support local economies, create green jobs, and catalyze regional innovations that can serve as a model for sustainable aquaculture nationwide.

Washington has three active kelp farms and another undergoing permitting.

As Washington’s seaweed industry moves forward, this initiative is shaping a robust framework to support kelp growers and scale production across the state. Immediate solutions for processing and long-term economic planning will together build the foundations for a sustainable and profitable seaweed sector.

What's Next?

To inform regulators, the public, and the seaweed aquaculture industry, Maritime Blue is seeking a broad economic analysis to identify Washington’s potential unique role in local, domestic, and international seaweed industry, including the best opportunities for economic growth and success.

Planning Objectives
  • Governance & Structure Design: Evaluate and develop essential terms for a formal grower collaboration mechanism.

    Techno-economic Market Analysis & Customer Discovery: Map potential seaweed products against processing requirements through customer discovery and identification of viable market segments. Determine appropriate processing platforms for shared grower use.

    Near-term Processing Strategy: Address immediate processing needs for the 2025 harvest season through facilitated collaboration among growers.

    Implementation Funding: Research and catalog relevant grant programs, public funding sources, and private capital opportunities to support shared processing facilities and future collaboration.

    Economic Impact Assessment: Commission a comprehensive analysis of Washington’s potential role in local, domestic, and international seaweed industry growth.
