Washington Maritime Blue
A strategic alliance dedicated to accelerating innovation in the Blue Economy.
Washington Maritime Blue is committed to the development of maritime business, technology, and practices that promote a sustainable future contributing to economic growth, ecological health, and thriving communities.

A Strategy for Washington
Washington State’s maritime sector is uniquely poised to become a global leader in innovation and sustainability, ensuring that the state’s maritime industry thrives in the increasingly competitive national and international marketplace for maritime services.

The Innovation Cluster Model
Our cluster model activates Industry, Research, Capital, Government and Community to drive innovation, overcome barriers, access new market opportunities, and attract talent and capital.
What we're known for

Quiet Sound

Voluntary initiative to reduce acoustic impacts from large commercial vessels on Southern Resident killer whales.

Equity Engagement

Joint Innovation

Blue Ventures

Entrepreneurship programs for early and mid-stage startups including accelerators and incubators.

The blue economy
The Blue Economy is sustainable use of ocean resources for economic growth, improved livelihoods and jobs, and ocean ecosystem health.

Who we work with
Industry Members
Get to know more about our membership program, workforce training and corporate innovation opportunities in the maritime space.
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Get to know about our joint innovation projects and working with a Blue Ventures accelerator or Incubator program.
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There are lots of opportunities to get involved or discover a new career path.
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Quiet Sound
In an effort to reduce the impacts to Southern Resident killer whales from large commercial vessels, Quiet Sound collaborates with public, private and non-profit partners to research, plan, and implement projects that support that goal.

Become a Member

Maritime Blue is accelerating development of solutions to solve urgent maritime and ocean challenges in our region and around the world. Become a member.
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