
Washington State Strategy for the Blue Economy


Washington State will be home to a world-class, thriving, and sustainable maritime industry by 2050.


The Washington Maritime Blue Strategy will accelerate the Blue Economy as a leader in maritime clean tech innovation and best management practices that will support a growing maritime economy in all sectors with increased living-wage jobs, a healthy environment, and resilient communities. This will be accomplished through partnership with all stakeholders, including public entities, maritime business, academic and research institutions, ports, labor groups, and community organizations.


The strategy framework consists of top-level goals and development pathways to achieve the goals, with support from initiatives that include projects, milestones, as well as policy recommendations that arise from action areas. The entire strategy is supported by the values of a Blue Economy.

The entire framework was built from the ground up leveraging direct stakeholder input and stewardship from the Advisory Council.

Thriving, Low Carbon Industry

Deep Decarbonization

Accelerate the transition of Washington’s
maritime industry to a low carbon future.

Global Innovation Hub

Blue Innovation

Drive the commercialization of emerging blue technologies.

Growing Gateways

Working Waterfronts

Lead the nation in efficient, clean and safe maritime practices across all sectors of the industry.

21st Century Workforce

Workforce Development

Prepare the next generation of an inclusive and diverse maritime workforce with technological expertise and access to clean, healthy, living wage jobs.

World Class Cluster

Cluster Coordination

A formal Cluster Organization drives collaboration to ensure a strong maritime industry founded on competitive maritime companies and an attractive business environment.

charting a course to 2050.